Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bougainvillea aglow...!

This evening while returning from Baala Balaga, it was the perfect time...! The sun was getting ready to set and a lovely golden glow had spread all around... It was the “Midas Touch- Time”

There are these two sets of Bougainvillea creepers that I've been trailing since long... And right now they both are in full bloom, looking absolutely stunning ! One is trained on a bower at the entrance of a home. I'm sure this Bougainvillea is a born rebel and must have, in it's younger days, said, “Training be damned !” and has grown wild, spilling it's fluorescent pink blossoms all over, in an utterly gorgeous riot...!!

The other, a few houses ahead, is a slightly darker shade of pink and has overgrown it's bamboo supports to tumble out, over the compound wall, catching the eye of every passerby...

This evening, as the golden rays of the setting sun fell on these Bougainvillea, they glowed... and, I had to pull out my camera ! It was a difficult task getting a good composition, as the blooms are crowded and literally packed all over the bower and compound wall... Luckily, at the bower, I found a nice big bunch having strayed from the rest, and I tried my best to frame a good enough composition... And then, I didn't want to lost those magical golden moments...!

Well, here they are, the glowing Bougainvillea...!!

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